La campagne de sensibilisation « Interview with an undertaker » pour Brave Heart Fund :
Crédits :
Advertising Agency: Impact BBDO, Beirut, Lebanon
Senior Creative Director: Angelo El Chami
Creative Director: Georges Kyrillos
Digital Creative Director: Chris Jabre
Copywriter: Mohamed Mokaddem
Agency Producer: Rawad Keyrouz
The Brave Heart Fund (BHF) is a charitable fundraising initiative, established in November 2003, at the Children’s Heart Center at the American University of Beirut Medical Center (AUBMC). The BHF helps cover the medical and/or surgical expenses for underprivileged children suffering from Congenital Heart Disease. (CHD)
Our Mission
“No child should die of heart disease because of a lack of funds”
Our Goals
1To provide financial assistance to underprivileged children suffering from Congenital Heart Disease
2To increase awareness about Congenital Heart Disease
Who do we help?
The Brave Heart Fund helps cover the cost of hospitalization and surgeries for children whose families qualify for financial aid at the AUBMC Social Services Office irrespective of gender, race, nationality or religious affiliation. Every day children are diagnosed with CHD; unfortunately but many are compelled to postpone their surgery due to a lack of resources.
The BHF has pledged to assist underprivileged children in any possible way for “no child should die of heart disease because of a lack of funds”
What we did?
We saved over 3125 lives so far.
We cover over 350 surgeries and interventional procedures every year, an average of one surgery/procedure per day.
We make sure that 100% of donations are used to cover the cost of surgeries and medical interventions (100% Policy)
We operate at 6% administrative overheads covered solely by sponsored events to maintain the 100% policy