La campagne presse pour la technologie du Park Assist de Ford :
To communicate Ford Edge’s ‘Park Assist’ technology and emphasize its importance, we created rulers engraved with the car’s silhouette and a centimeter away from them common objects like a tree, electric pole or fire hydrant they would most certainly reverse into were it not for the car’s advanced technology.
Client: Delek-Motors LTD
Advertising Agency: BBR Saatchi & Saatchi, Israel
Air Date: January 10th 2017
Chief Executive Officer: Yossi Lubaton
Chief Creative Officer: Jonathan Lang
VP Creative Director: Eran Nir
Copywriter: Shushu E. Spanier
Art Director: Noa Navot
Group Account Head: Ben Muskal
Account Supervisor: Chen Halpern
Account Executives: Gil Gershon, Hadar Goren
VP Production & Content: Dorit Gvili
Producer: Alon Smoelof
Strategic Planning Supervisor: Lora Goichman
Planner: Roie Gortler
Creative Coordinator: Eva Hasson
Traffic Director: Ronit Doanis
Studio manager: Yaron Keinan
Photoshop: Yaniv Shahar
Photographer: Menachem Reiss
Marketing Communications Manager: Yogev Weiss