La campagne publicitaire « Cord » pour la Lincoln Continental 2017 de Lincoln Motor Co avec Gary Clark Jr. :

Cord par TBTC_

The jam sessions. Those first few gigs. And then — that moment you plugged in, and the stage was as big as you had always imagined. #ThatsContinental.

There’s just something about music. Something universal, but also personal.

It can transport listeners back to the moment they first heard the notes of a favorite song come to life. Sound leaves behind such an imprint, it can linger for a lifetime. By creating a sonic profile of all the sounds and noises we have ever heard, our brains are able to recall moments that span the emotional spectrum; sounds that remind us of all the selves we’ve ever been and all those that we aspire to be.

And that’s why The Lincoln Motor Company is dedicated to creating unforgettable sound experiences — so dedicated, in fact, that we designed the cabin of the new 2017 Lincoln Continental around the 19 speakers of the Revel audio system to foster an incredible listener experience.