APPALACHE nous concote sa #Playlist de l’#invité pour ce mercredi et on adore ! Un grand merci et une très bonne écoute à tous !

// Retrouvez le clip vidéo du titre « Rainbow Trout » //

– Appalache is a dream. The dream of a french musician named Julien Magot. A dream of freedom. A dream of peace. His music goes towards a glorious cloud of smooth, love and celebration. It doesn’t bask into bad. It has no bundaries. Guitars from the sun take us to the rmament. Gentle layers support. Drums allow to leave matters. Friends join him on stage to glorify joy. Free. Free as a hairy sound wave. In studio, Julien Magot plays all the instruments. Whether you like it or not, he believes that Paul Hogan could be the king of ying crocodiles but overall, he knows that good shoes are required to climb the Himalayas. –